Local development is always a challenge.
Handling layouts and blocks in templates does the job but it is very rigid, not flexible and hard to maintain.
In this hands-on session, attendees will learn how to setup and integrate Drupal with the Apache Solr search engine. We’ll discuss advanced Solr set up, advanced facets, and other advanced element
Drupal 8 has many features already built-in to get your page accessible as much as possible and the initiative is doing great work.
Styleguide Driven Development (SDD) is a practice that encourages the separation of UX, Design & Frontend from Backend concerns.
A brief introduction to Profiles, how to create a Drupal profile, examples of Drupal distributions and custom profiles that are used by organisations for various purposes, such as creation of multi
Some real world examples of medium sized e-commerce stores. Integrations with 3rd party applications. Useful contrib modules for Drupal commerce.
Speakers: Goran Nikolovski & Bojan Milanković
Speaker: Dávid Malatenszki
For us the best solution for small and medium projects is our own Starterkit theme.
New edition of Docker4Drupal 2.0 contains traefik container and domains enabled by default with new set of containers.